I went to kinkos today to print out some business cards, turns out they have a third party that prints them and they needed 3-5 days to do it.....stupid. I needed cards today and their employees were pretty much saying I was screwed. So i printed out $8 worth of card stock with a card template The Bunny Hut made me. 300 cards lol

I ended up getting a gig at Arena in Hollywood, "The Bunny Hut" was having their release party that night and the whole place was decked out in their stuff, note the screens in the background. The place was really big, this was the first club I ever went to when I was 15!

I grip of people from the Frat showed up to show support and we set up the photo booth area for the line.

The night was full of scene kids and hipsters!! Everyone was hitting up the booth, their resident photographer had an east night ha ha!

My old friend Devin came down with Andrew Leon and his boyfriend Jonathan. I just saw Andrew and Jon 2 weeks ago at Tamara's pool party.

Everyone was being really friendly the whole night, we got asked to jump into a few pictures.

For some reason kids were asking me to take pictures of them then covering their faces, this girl was the first to do it and i though it was so weird. I just waited for her to uncover her face, then she was like "did you take the picture". I didn't understand it but a lot of people were doing it.

It was the first time my friends and the frat were all kicking it together and it seemed like everyone was getting along.

this was the whole crew minus a few people, i had so much fucking fun. I spend the whole night mingling and talking to random people.

Brennan was the person in the frat that I felt closest too, he introduced me into meditating. It was such an intense feeling of relief, I have no idea how to thank him for showing me how to calm down and relax in such a simple way. dope ass dude

This is another example of how people were covering their faces, the general population of the place was latino!!

Lyndsay Marie took this picture but I absolutely loved how it looked!! i think the guy on the right is covering his face!

Matt and Jade were making fun of how many people were doing this, its funny that I don't understand it. I guess i'm just getting old....at 20 ha ha!

Lyndsay's friends came by and hung out for a while. I was kinda worried they were going to stir up trouble on my first night but they left really quick to go somewhere else. Dance is an all ages club event and most people don't like partying with minors, myself being one of them. But my target market are scene/hipster kids from 13-23 so this place was ideal for the line.

Matt handled the booth the whole night, fucking champ!! Ended up selling 2 shirts!

The Bunny Hut asked me to possibly pick up DJ Four Four/Eric into the MV family. The guy could spin techno pretty dam good, kids were going pretty crazy all night. I had a dope time and got to meet a lot of interesting people that have kept in touch!! First event= Success
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