The whole pledge-ship with Bud has been intense. Its been a fucking rollercoaster and I've been getting into shape...finally lol. So far i've taken the time to get to know all of the people that are outgoing within the org. Overall I like kicking it with them at the blue tables every monday! We hit up a sororities class cross over, Jtang, Alex, and Vega were in the car. Intense drive there!

The place was decorated really well, everyone was dressed up super classy. Our frat was the most outspoken craziest one there. I couldn't tell you how many times people just looked at all of us like "wtf" ha ha. Jtang stood out the most that night, I seriously love her attitude!!

These are some of my pledge class brothers, we had to all match. of course my dumb ass got a wrong tone of gold tie ha ha, overall it was a dope crossing. and there were soo many fine asian girls!!!!

We all dipped over to the Alpha (origianl) chapters house party in riverside to get to know them better. The fullerton and riverside chapter are pretty close with the older members. It was fucking packed and deff alive!! Jason Vo was having a dam good time, above! I got to meet some of their possible pledges, they were all freshman.

Spend the night mingling and talking to their possible pledges, hung out with the people i knew and did a few shots with some amigos!! The po po came by and raided the party, we stayed and helped clean up. long fucking night. 3am. in bed by 4am

up by 4:30am to meet up with the frat....can't talk about what but i swear every other morning was a early wake up. I have the hardest time getting up at 9am none the less 4am.

On the 4th week we had a pool party pot luck to just kick it and have a good time, it was chill. Ocean Wang the guy on the far left was my slight motivation to get in shape. I want to tone my shit out and build up my cardio. In the end it will help me with my band's stage presence during shows!!

In the end we had our 4th ritual, it was a lot of fun and we hung out with the current pledge sisters for the first time. It was a long and fun night!! The only thing was that I didn't quite agree with some punishments and my activity with them was starting to take its toll. My grades were down to D's and C's, I haven't written a blog since I started, I barely take pictures, I don't go out with my friends anymore, I barely do anything with my clothing line, and I haven't attended band practice since. Everything that makes me happy has been put on hold, over all the frat generally took over 4-5 days of my week. I thought the frat could be another part of my life but it just seemed to slowly take it over, I ended up dropping my pledge-ship to go back to the things that made me happy. I still keep in touch with most of the members and there are no hard feelings, i miss hanging out with them frequently but my grades have picked up to C's and B's. Need a 3.6 min to get into a law program, cant risk it.
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