Sunday, June 27, 2010

This Mustache is made of Glass

This week was plain and simple mon-thurs work 10am-7pm, band practice from 7pm-10pm. 11pm dinner and shower. 12am sleep. Took friday off for WARPED TOUR!! Woke up at 7am, picked up Beckii by 9:30am, headed to Tamara's in LA and had a delicious fat free breakfast!! I swear Tamara's cooking is the best. Dropped off her dog daisey and headed to the home depot center in Carson,CA.

Parked in the neighborhoods right across the street from the venue, ignore the signs that tell you not too. Its not really enforced. keep it on the DL. walked right up to the entrance, fuck waiting in line! then was told i couldnt go in with my camera....yea right! I turned around found some guys that worked for a radio station and pretended that I knew them. They agreed to smuggle in my camera. sketch. i was waiting for them to beat my ass and dip with my camera ha ha. they ended up being cool ass dudes and helped me in. didnt even have to take out my ticket. Pierce the veil was on. snapped a shot of the vocalist before he dove into the crowd.

The place was packed at noon, it was hot, and everyone was sweating. Suicide Silence went on and had a good performance. White chappel the same only the sound was off. I ran into so many old friends from previous shows, ex's, crews, and bands. I loved it, nothing is better and talking about the good old times!! I kept losing my friends and finding old ones/making new ones. Its hot. too hot. water is $5 ha ha.

The crowds were really supportive of everyone performing. Warped had deffinately turned itself into a large part of the music scenes culture. Everyone was having a good time and I didnt see any fights the whole day. Confide and Enter shikari played, pretty good blokes!!
Wandering. Wandering. Drop dead booth. wandering. oli sykes girlfriend...looks better in pictures. she was still lovely in person but it was lame that he wasnt personally at his booth. i would imagine it would rack up sales more and the fans would of appreciated it. seeing that it was almost impossible to get that "intimate" feeling with the bands while they performed since we were all 15-200ft away from the stage. Beckii puched some dude in the face for touching her "shit" and fucked up her knucks. metal. Wonka was having picture booths. shade ha ha. the photographer loved us.
Not gonna lie most of the day was spent under this white tent with my friends, everyone met up and we just kinda hung out and caught up with each other. Turns out my friend Tamara knew my other friend Amy through some modeling thing. small world. the smoke from the food was sooo tempting.

Scotty is going to college to become a personal trainer. Before warped the last time I saw any of my Murrieta friends was when I ran the Granada Theater in ontario and I booked my friend Angelo's band.

Dusty and Johnny were still doing the college thing, still getting with the finest of females, and overall still chill ass dudes. I always seem to run into them at any huge music thing. They used to have long scene hair and one day cut it off and got yolked!!!

Attack Attack by far had the best stage presence, they would shit talk the crowd, interact with them alot, went crazy on stage.....and started a huge chicken fight...pictured above it was intense. Deffinately inspired me to do more with my own performance. They were deff having a lot of fun while performing. there were a grip of scene chicks and bikini babes everywhere ha ha!

"This mustache is actually made of glass" by far the best thing i heard all day ha ha. He had a ceptum piercing and put a glass mustache in it. talked to them for a while till my friend justin popped up out of no where!!

Grizzley hug! I was really glad to hear that everything was going well with him. I used to have english with him in high school. 2 years ago. what a trip right?! The rest of the day was spent with my good friend Stephanie Edge. literally wandered around for days. watched BMTH play all their new stuff. neither of us were too pleased with it, kinda wanted to hear the old album more. he kept skipping certain lines that really put that "umph" in certain parts, barely spoke to the crowd, and had the crowd do a lot of the singing/screaming. it was an ok performance but i expected a lot more out of him. at the same time though they could of been jet lagged. I finally feel like i'm at a point where I have what it takes to do warped. A lot of the talent sounded better via cd than live. ill keep that in mind while recording.

Dipped out after watching four years strong w/ steph. Went back to tamara's apartment and she kindly made us a dope dinner. legs are sore. feet are sore. dry sweat. smell bad. but it was so eye opening and relaxing. going to warped made me realise how bad I really want my clothing line to do well and my band to go on tour. the most dominant clothing line was drop dead, at least 300+ kids go their swag which sold for $30 plus ea. bank right? but i feel like it was only due to the face that oli made a name for himself. the designs are sick as hell, and outsold every other line there besides people buying band shirts. that doesnt count though !!

Worked sat to make up for friday. 2 baby wipe packs, a 8 pack of baby spoons, and a pair of baby sippie cups from Target, nanners, and I was off to my guitarist Steven's and his girlfriend Angie's baby shower. Walked in and got a fat hug from steven, they started having blind folded pudding eating races with everyones family. It was seriously so nice to be around that kind of culture. Everyone was really nice and the food was bomb!!! love mexican food. everyone was spilling shit ha ha.

Present time came around and they were flooded with everything. I never knew people made diaper cakes ha ha. They were having a blast opening things and steve looked like a kid on christmas. I kept wondering what it felt like to open up presents for your "future child". Stevens only 3 years older than me, the baby's name is going to be Ian Ray Gonzales after his grandpa.

Its always nice hanging out with my band, we argue a lot, piss each other off, write, joke around, and always have a good time. Their almost like the older brothers I wanted as a kid. Pretty much the only people that ever pick on me. Its cool because even Angie became like "one of the guys" which sometimes got me in trouble for saying stupid shit but I thought it was so cool that I was with steven and angies family celebrating the upcoming birth of thier child.
They were kinda fighting w/ea other but at the end of the day it was obvious they loved each other. I cant imagine how stressful everything is right now for them, planning for expenses, working longer hours, buying supplies, regular fights that happen with every relationship, stress stress stress. once that baby is born their lives are going to completely change. young adults, almost parents. I know that everything will work out for them in the end!! I just get scared that the baby will take steven away from the band but i think his love for music will keep im with us. its just scary because ive grown so close to him and everyone involved. This is what steve will look like holding his own baby!
I couldnt sleep so we decided to take pictures against my wall. This was all bred from boredom ha ha. dont drink much anymore and EDC isnt our kind of thing so the night was spent with a camera and little arguements with myself.

My tounge really is purple ha ha! Its really odd looking at pictures of yourself, i noticed that i need to get into shape though. im just fat rolls and bones lol.

my hitler stash was rediculous, i forgot that ive had it since friday ha ha. you can see it above.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finding clarity though thought and good company

I dont know why but the whole fight thing with my mom is still bending me out of shape. I've spent this whole week out with friends and being as productive as I can be. Worked 40+ hours, had 2 band practices, finished 50 TNB shirts, went clubbing, photography, hung out with friends, and currently with family. Im in love with costco food, its cheap and delicious. If only high schools sold it when I was younger right??Settled out things with my old best friend beckii, fighting with friends over stupid shit is a waste of time. Time that you could spend with each other hanging out...and eating costco pizza!! Having dylan and talyn around only made the day that much better. I swear I have the best friends anyone can ask for. I've got their backs till the day I fucking die.

There were a lot of old faces that I hadn't seen in a while. Izzy moved back when I was in europe so I spent some of my week kickin it with him. Visited Tamara in LA later on and she was kind enough to make us all dinner before we headed out to Les Deux for rock mondays. Los tres amigos y Izzmiester the Jew!!We ran into a little arcade in the middle of downtown, all sketch. Busted out a mini shoot till the owner chased us out trying to get us to pay $10 to take pictures in there. I swear all everyone is out for these days is money, he didnt take into consideration we were just trying to make art. something everyone could appreciate. fuck it. not going to ruin the night. stubborn dick shit.

After waiting a fucking life time i sadly realised that les deux is now being run by douche bags, they had people waiting for 45 mins outside, even though its free before 11pm, so that they could charge everyone. I remember when I used to go with friends here a while back and everyone was treated with respect, the crowd was actually into rock/metal, and the alternative scene made the place so worthwhile to be at. It was infested with jersey shores looking bitches that swore they were hot shit/"VIP", to make things better there wasnt anyone to interesting except this new friend we made in line named amanda. I wanted to whip my dick out so the promoters and door men could all suck it. w.e. i was with good company.

I felt bad, all my friends had to pay. Like I said it used to never be like that. ...everyone is out for money. fuck us right. the place was really packed though, grip of lovely girls everywhere. none of them really caught my eye though. headed over to the little stage that they had in the middle room. this is the area that holds les deux soul, the live bands.

They were called the ____ Robots and were old school metal. They had a decent following and the guitarist was really easy to work with while shooting. Some 30+ woman that was drunk at 11 decided to publicly mollest me as I was taking pictures. Miguel just stood there and did nothing. she was funny. everyone was having a good time. but my friends throats were sober and we were only staying till midnight.

Not exactly a crazy night in hollywood but I got to do all the little things that make me happy. Hanging out with good friends. Watching passionate musicians play. Take pictures of everything around me. Long drives. Eating Tamaras extremely healthy food. having interesting conversations. Im content. The night ended with Izzy and I busting a mission to this asian seven eleven type thing to get salmon filled rice triangles and those yogert cover pretzel sticks.

I've been over my head with work, mini drama, and personal goals, but my dad rented out a few lenses for my step sisters baby shower. I got to try them out, the clarity was so intense. Took the picture above!! Its funny I shot this in my room with a $4 "daylight" bulb, my $30 mic stand, and a $5 light reflector that goes around the bulb like a hat, it looked like professional $200+ lighting. $40 self made lighting kit= great results. you should try it. I went to church today for the first time since my friend Jose's funeral. It was interesting to say the least but I didnt want to miss my nephews baptism. I need to make more shirts, im paying $1,011.5 for the rest of the shirts. $150 for transparencies and gold foil. $250 for warehouse rent. $120 for new paint. But i move into the warehouse this coming monday which only puts me that much closer to my goal. Im happy with how things are going, even better since ive distanced myself from people that I dont think deserve my time. fuck em. Overall this was a great week and its helped me find some much needed clarity. Always remember to do all the little things that make you happy and respect yourself.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The music through my blessed eyes

I've finished one of my goals for this year, to make a short film about the local house music scene. I made the video with an ipod and did everything myself. The blog isnt going to display the full screen so sorry in advance. Everyone in the video was shot on the spot and most of them go to Pomona house shows regularly. I seriously love playing house shows, everyone always has a good time and their way cheaper than regular venues. Its the little local bands at house shows that do the presale to support the larger touring bands at venues. Im tired of all the attention being on mainstream bands, so heres a view of what the local music scene is like for me. I want to say thank you to everyone that helped out!! You've all become family to me and the best part of playing house shows is hanging out with you guys and talking.

Hello and Goodbye, Day 6

Last night I got into the worst arguement with my mom ever. It started off with her being upset about my past and how my father shouldnt of let me run wild as a kid. She kept going about how my life style would get in the way and how the decisions I made when I was 13 affected her. We argued over how I though it was stupid that her family sent my cousin off to a treatment center over smoking week. Started talking shit on how ive done drugs and how im weak. I told her its more like curiousity not so much peer pressure. if you want to try a drug, you will if you see it proper to do so. anyways she said other things that kinda crossed the line into previous bad blood that we used to have. the type of shit that stays under my skin for a long while, i said things i didnt mean so i could hurt her back. in the end we ended up furious with each other, i think that she handled it all wrong. it became really evident that we just dont get along, the whole trip she was talking shit on every little thing and kept fighting with me over nothing. i havent really had her around growing up and she never took the time to visit when i was a kid. i dont need her now, i think if was better off mentally before this fucking trip with her. im over it. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. shit.

We havent spoken. I worked out, pigged out, then went swimming for a while. Jumped in the jacuzzi and tanned. It was so relaxing, calm, open, just what i needed. Later on they had a Mr. Sexy legs competition. of course my skinny ass entered and i won "Mr. Chicken Legs 2010!!". it became my nick name for the rest of the cruise to all the old people ha ha.

I went to the last production show which was a musical. i hate musicals. Talina invited to watch it with her so it was a little bareable to watch. I found out her father was a well known acrobat that was on several tv shows back in the day. The main actor for the ships"Extreme vegas" act was his student, who was in turn married to his assistant who was the daughter of the famous dad. Danielle was the daughters name and she was extremely talented, she could hang and do artistic poses on a long dangled curtain and twirl 12+ hula hoops. Talina grew up in a family of performers, which makes sense. She invited me to be on a cruise game show with them later that night. as you can see in the photo above, i was stuck on a ship with old people, no one my age...

I stuck around for the next show, it was a performance of a lot of the crew member peforming a variety of talents. One of the funniest ones was one which involved the members standing in towels spitting at each other.

It was almost as if they were picking on one another but having fun at the same time. A lot of these members were involved in the night club and kareoke so they were familiar faces.

Senad was always the first to break the ice in kareoke. his voice in english wasnt bad, he had one of those high voices. he performed a song in his native language which had to be one of the most beautiful songs ive ever heard. the only part i could understand was something about kissing a girl softly. the crowd went wild for him.

The french cruise chef was next, he did elvis and started hitting on all the older women in the front. funny dude.

These two room cleaners busted out some old school rock. the guy on the left was having a bast, you could see it in his expression the whole time. i though it was really cool that the cruise line did this talent show type of thing. it allowed regular ship workers to jump on a nice stage and peform in front of hundreds of people.

I ran to the chocolate dinner and gave myself the best stomache ache. Nyoman accompanied me and we started talking about metal again. i guess they have a fest out there similar to warped tour, but recent terrorist attacks have prevented larger bands from joining the show. he spoke really well of bali and described it as a friendly paradise. we exchanged info, just recently added him via myspace. checked out his band, pretty deathmetal!!

Met up with Talina and her family. awkward. quickly introduced myself since i was late. the game was pretty simple, the audience was split into groups and we had to race to perform little tasks. it started off simple, i had to run into the middle of the floor and howl, another made Talina and I trade shirts, another required her to ride me like a horse, it was funny. he whole family got involved and they were great company to be around. The host began to take it up a notch by making things a!
Next thing you know shes making Talina's mom wear her husbands pants around her head. making one of the guys put on lipstick and high heals. then my night got made.

Talina's dad had to put on high heels, put on a bra, lip stick and present himself to the judge who then asked him to talk about his secret "cross-dressing/trani" side and explain why he was sexy!! ha ha haha i literally almost pissed myself. after 5 days of walking i finally got a good laugh. i was a serious team effort, talina is rolling up the dads pants to show some....legs ha ha!!
Then the music went on and I watched as full grown men danced around in womens clothing. Perfect night, Talina's family was so warm and welcoming. that nigh seriously made this trip great, i wish my family was that outgoing and fun. the whole time her mom was trying to explain that there usually not that crazy, but after seeing her with pants on her head, the dad dressed up as a chick and talina on my back, that dad sucking on the moms toes, there wasnt much to hide anymore. ha ha. I spent the rest of the night dancing aound w/ talina and random old people ha ha. i talked to the dad before we said our good byes, i though that it was so neat that he had a passion that inspired someone he knew. i asked him what it felt like, he told me it was an unreal feeling and that it was great knowing somone looked up to him. now that someone is taking care of his oldest daughter.

Talina was getting off the next day at 6am so they dipped at midnight. went back to my room and slept. I woke up so sunrise on a tv screen, missing the company i had back home. i missed her so much, its only been a week.

I was in Palma,Mollorca a small island not to far from spain. I found a internet cafe that was only 2euro per hour and got to send her a message. how sad. i was excited to write a message lol. the ship charged 1euro per minute and had shitty internet speed. i wandered around the mall and ate. pretty much spent another relaxing day with myself, i wasnt too happy about it though. watched movies on the cruise to barcelona.
Got to the airport 4 hours before my flight, I started joking around about having coke in my bag to security and my mom was set aside for searches. ha ha. not me though lol?? 30 mins before my flight my mom is still being held by security, i find her only to be informed that the airplane is having mechanical problem and that we had to wait. 2.5 hours later its fixed. sketch. its a 9hr plane ride back and i didnt feel to well about getting on a plane that just had issues. we already missed our return flight home from phili but fuck it. got to phili had a 4 hour layover to the next flight to san francisco. 6 hour flight home. got home slept. argueing along the way over how smelled?? w.e. i paid a fee and got on the first plane home. 1 hr later im back. theres nothing left for me back in my old town, my friends are distant or gone, my family never keeps in touch, my mother and i cant get along. im over it. i dont think im going to talk to her for a long time, i need my space. its much deeper than id ever write about, but its really getting in the way of things. its been 2 weeks and it still bothers me, i need to gather some clarity. i honestly loved the trip, it was very refreshing and eye opening. i just hated all the fighting and let downs. i cant wait to go back with friends one day!!
time to visit all the friends i missed and to give out presents!!! im $400 down, jet lagged as fuck, irritated, tired, and i smell. but fuck it. i made the most of everything and had a great time :]

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lost in Pompei, Italy

I woke up in Naples, Italy. The city was really dirty and sketch as hell. Everyone seemed to be hiding something, it reminded me of LA ha ha. Got to the train station, 4 euro, 45 min trip to pompei. When I got off there was this huge old german shepard just chillin. I noticed that people brought their dogs everywhere in italy.
Two blocks down and its 11am, this place didnt have any tourists. There were a lot of nuns at the local church, for once I got a taste of the culture of italy. The church was beautifully painted on the inside and everything was dead silent. you could hear the faint whispers of people praying. i got a sweet tooth.

I walked into this little ice cream joint for breakfast. I had another gellatto, coconut. It tasted like jamba juice but in ice cream form. 2 euros. The ice cream man had a devil tattoo on him, he barely spoke any spanish but i understood that he paid 50 euros for his piece which is dirt cheap. he though i was crazy when i told him my sleeve was over $1600. I guess tattoos are cheaper out there. His piece was the best one i saw out there. Of course once he started showing off his tattoo all the staff wanted me to take a picture of their tattoos ha ha. they were all really nice. The vendors here were locals and extremely friendly. My mother and I almost walked past pompei until a vendor told us where to go. It was a fenced off area, you had to push open the gate to get in. 10euro and we were in. We decided to ride the free bikes they would visitors use, i dont think anyone knew they were free. was the first time i rode a bike since i was 16. sketch. again i got into it with my mom and we went our separate ways. there were signs posted where bike riders could and couldnt go.....but i cant read italian ;}

So of course I got lost and ended up 2 miles out of pompei into the regular city. After a vendor gave me a free map and lemonaide he pointed me towards a gate. then I got chased out because i was riding the bike, so i kept going around until some police escorted me to the main entrance of pompei ha ha ha. so once i get back in i go through another trail which ends up getting me lost in a restricted area. I was able to get into parts of the city that were closed off to tourists and kinda just wandered around. figured since there werent any guards i couldnt get into too much trouble.

It turns out in the middle of pompei there are farmlands, you would never see them unless you went into the restricted areas. The farmers paid no attention to me wandering around. I completely stuck out, they all just smiled. Once I got tired of being lost i asked for directions, they gave me tomatoes and pointed me down this path. I went down about 50 feet then i noticed the bike trail, so i took off down a steep hill with my camera in hand only to find out the trails met about another 100 ft up. fml. out of water. tired. sweaty. having the time of my fucking life!!!
I wish amanda could of seen this, I know she would of gone ape shit. I found something of "worth". I was blown away at how good the paintings on the walls were. How well preserved they were by the ash. I watched and tried to make up stories in my head of what the paintings were about. This one was about a woman complaining and the guy on the left not listening ha ha.

some of the rooms had little portraits by the entrances. the rooms were about 11x8ft pretty small but with high ceilings. there was nothing protecting most of the paintings. i was able to touch them and get extremely close to them. This one was smaller than my fist and yet it had decent detail. i wonder how they made paint back then??! and who was this woman??

After going back to where tourists were suppost to be i ran into my mom, she calmed down. i think she just got exhausted, the hills to bike on were fucking intense on the legs. She showed m the bodies of several people that were preserved by the ash. Its fucking crazy to think that these people were simply captured for all eternity by a volcanoe. some of them were so well preserved you could still see their facial expressions. up close this persons mouth was open and cheek and eye muscles clentched as if screaming for deal life or in agony. i wonder what was going through his or her head before he or she died. love. hate. sorrow. regret. pain???

the walls were very high, one think i noticed is that the materials used for buildings varied. some buildings had red brick, others stone, and others cement looking material. i wasnt sure what was the ancient material and what was newer. either way it was a trip walking through a town that had all of its residents killed. a living graveyard.

This was a kitchen, which means this is where you could of found my corpse if i lived in pompei when the ash hit. ha ha. you can see the stone, brick and cement material. the city was really advanced, funny how civilizations used to have food joints, baths, running water, theaters, kitchens that ran off natural energy that didnt damage the world. in a sence have we really progressed that much if the ancients did it better?? kinda stupid no?

I walked into this room and had a deja vu in the exact angle this picture was taken. Im not sure what it was but i swear ive seen this before. the middle was a fountain, the large doors on the left everything. creeped me out. but the rooms were much larger in this building, i could only assume this was the home of a wealthy person.

This was one of the few walls that was kinda protected. im not sure what they though a tiny single chan fence would do but i guess it works. this room had a lot of detail within its walls. one can only dream about what great things happened in this home, think about all the things that have happened in your home. all the sorrow. laughs. smile. that no one else will never know about once your move away. i wish you could travel back in time and be invisible, so we could watch what people did, what they said, everything. i feel like a kid. im having so much fun. i dont want to leave pompei.

Im not sure who she was or if she even existed. I did notice all the women had the same hair cut though, like little jewish curls ha ha. I found it odd that there were angels in this painting, im not too familiar with the cities history but didnt it get destroyed before the bible even came out? someone please look it up for me. after i post this ill forget to do so ha.

Je' adore this painting, at first glance i didnt get it. Its of a woman commiting suicide over a man, he might be dying as well. Its wierd this painting could be inspired by love (as in a woman wanting to join her husband after he was wounded) or death (a fallen soldier and she an angel). i loved the colors and emotion that came from it.

there was pottery and other tools everywere, unguarded. anyone could go up to them and touch it by simple going over a little rail. which i did, turns out theres nothing too crazy about pottery except that it was old as fuck. i tried smelling them to see if they smelled like a wine or food. then i felt stupid because these pots are hundreds of years old.

4pm it was time to head back, met some random girl that was singing out loud and started talking....with our hands ha ha. her name was Farollia and she was a local bartender. She liked Trans/techno and a lot of americas main stream music. My mom fucking hates when i talk to girls, i dont know what gets up her ass but she always assumes the worst. fuck it. im over putting up with her random mood swings. i made the most of it and had a decent hand conversations with Farollia. apparently bella is how you say handsome/beatiful?