This week has been the most intense/productive week ever!! I went to Cinespace in hollywood on sunday. It was fucking insane, first thing i did was go into the "live art" room where they have artists of all sorts painting. I ran into this guy named Zac Roane, he was air brush zombie artist. For all of you that know im, i fucking love zombies. After a short "whose the bigger zombie fan" arguement we exchanged info?! blogs ha ha

turned to the first dance floor and it was fucking beating!! bodies everywhere dancing to some of the best Dj's in hollywood!!

Not to mention there were fine females everywhere, cinespace deffinately keeps it real!!

I got to play with my exposure tonight, my goal was to make an insanely interesting look using the lights. the trick is to use flash to capture the actual image then take advantage of the exposure setting. I set my shutter speed to 2" (seconds) then just randomly moved my camera around. this picture says "So"

Lyndsay and Matt were my entourage for the night, I started taking more pictures and they slowly did their own thing. I swear i get into this mind set once im behind the lens, I zone out everything and the world turns into a canvas to me. Its a curse and a blessing depending on who you are.

This was my best shot of the night, i honestly have no idea how i got this. I shot it in the Dubstep/live band area and just started at it for days. the colors were amazing!!

The live band area was full of people, it was my first time seeing Dubstep. I'm not too into it, not really sure how to dance to it!! People were kinda just flowing to it and no one really danced alike. I spelled out the word Bella over the crowd!!

There was a Dj and a live drummer doing the dub step beats, this was deff something new in the Dubstep world, i though it was all spun live but this drummer got pretty sick with it. I had a strange feeling they were freestyling half of their set. They kinda just flowed with each other, like water in a cup!

This guy jumped on the stage and started saying random things on the mic, snapped his picture and he looked like a demon. weird.

Wednesday was Moscow, I was meeting up with that zombie artist Zac Roane I met last week. We talked about re-doing my promos for the cite but going out on this zombie invasion idea i've been dreaming about.

Walked in and watched the first band, they weren't exactly the best ive seen here but they were zoned out in their own world. The lead singer was a girl and who doesn't like watching girls in a band!! loved this picture

I randomly ran into my friend evan from this band abeline i used to roll with when i was booking the granada back in the day. We caught up and he told me about his new music project, i love hearing about other musicians that havent given up on music. this is what its about, never giving up on your passion. you'd be surprised how many people don't honestly have a passion in life.

I walked around and ran into my good friend Enu, I used to roll with him back in the day when i first started clubbing at 15, 5 years ive known this guy. He's a good photographer and he just completed nursing school, i was proud of him. staying in college in general is only for the strong minded. people that dont complete college are weak, with very few exceptions. school isn't suppose to be easy, you get what ever you put into it.

I ran into the lovely Chanch (on the right) and caught up with her, she looked exactly the same! Honestly one of the craziest girls i know, 5 years strong ha ha!!

Lyndsay's friend Jaz swung by, she introduced me to florence and the machine back in the day, if you never heard of them listen to them!!

Jaz met some random but that had the same shirt as her!

I went up stairs with Zac and we started brain storming on how to create the most shocking yet professional promos. I wont give out to much detail but we made the perfect zombie enthusiasts. We talked about our zombie movie ideas, new goal= write a zombie movie scrip over the summer with friends.

Matt was going ape shit on the dance floor, this place is one of the few places where everyone doesn't shuffle!!!

Zac is seriously such a cool dude, I asked him if he was interested in joining my clothing line family and he said yes!!!!

2 hours later we had mini sketches of the ads, he's going to photoshop them and ad some color. This is a completely different way of planning for the promos, the studio shoot was done on the spot. The main focus need to be the shirts then the background.

I spent the rest of the night mingling with random pictures and taking pictures of strangers! overall a interesting night!!

Friday was Izzy's and my friend Eric (Dj Four Four) birthday, hit up Izzy's for dinner!! Tori was back from her trip and Kid Chris was doing better!!

15 mins in izzy's room and i already knew tonight was going to be a good night!! i was with great company!

I honestly love spending time with my gangsters, there's never a single dull moment!!! we watched this youtube video about some black crack head that said random shit to people. one of his quotes was "I masterbate for the good times".....enough said!

We got to the restaurant and waited for 1 hours for people to show up, we couldnt be seated till 8 people were here. currently at 5...

This little mexican boy came up and asked "do you want to buy some gum". i was shocked, this was the type of thing i was used to seeing this on the border and streets of mexico. his mother was standing by him watching him and his little sister hustle, i honestly hated seeing him work at such a young age. i wish i could do something, but its out of my hands.

Sat around the table and went over the menu, $15 teriyaki chicken....word!!!

The dinner was pretty good, drinks were coming in left and right and we kept getting free dishes since the waiters were messing up. it seemed like we were getting hooked up.

Lyndsay showed up after her fashion show, she was embarrassed that she fell during her walk but she got up and started clapping which hyped up the crowd! i was really glad she showed up, regardless if her family didn't like it!

This was the plate half eaten, the salad was 2inches wide. smallest dinner ever, i honestly cant stand high end restaurants, serve me a good portion you fucks!!! it was served over mashed potatoes....had to order rice. it turned into a mini head ache!

Of course everyone was messing around the whole time, there was this little chopsticks craze that errupted. i call this Tori the walrus

Chris was enthusiastic the whole night, he's still the baby in the family at 17 but had the liveliest personality all night ha ha! Chris's quote for the night "If you could make vegetables into alcohol, i would eat my vegetables all the time!!"

Izzy the sabor tooth tiger!!!

Chris Kidd randomly broke out into a fake/sexual lap dance, seriously couldn't stop laughing!!

We had a little "who can make the weirdest face" competition, they won!!

We wrapped up with some group pictures of everyone!

whoot whoot!

Then we got the bill.....$503.40 holy fucking shit. ive never had a bill this big. it took over an hour to figure out how everyone was going to split the bill, my $15 dish came out to a $57 cut of the pie. The drinks were $20 each and was what ended up fucking us in the anus!! oh well, you can never put a price on good times. 12am....im 2 hours late to erics party...rush!!

ended up getting to erics party at 1:30am, as soon as it ended. took some quick pics of his hommies chillin outside.

Stopped in and said whats up to eric, the owner of Hypno clothing was there. It was dope ended up talking with them for a while. My friends were bummed that it was over so we bounced.....so tired. Matt still had to drive his friends home 1.5hrs there and 1.5 hours back. no bueno!!