Talked about the stupid shit Matt did at the party before, how we stole the igloo, bar hopping, and how we had video of matt trying to make whoopie!! good times.

Clint and his crew were telling me about this bud called LA confidential, apparently is the best weed you can buy out here. couldn't tell you if it is, but I'd take their word for it. they know their cush!!

I got to do test prints with my best friend Dylan. Worked out asses off to fix all the little misprint problems and got 6 test prints done.

The new guy at the warehouse named George let me print on one of his shirts when I ran out, so he got the first test print ha ha.

The rest of the week was spent working. working. working. but i seriously love the drive there. listen to Legend, Amarna Reign, King Conquer, and my beloved eighteen visions. people watching on the freeway is not safe ha ha. Expensive mustangs are nice.

Headed down to LA for Lyndsay's friend Candace's birthday, the plan was to have everyone meet up at her place. left the warehouse and 1hr later im there.

A ton of people came to the apartment, we all just hung out and talked. Everyone was new to me except some of her friends. kept pigging out with the pig, kettle corn is the best. didn't pregame. still trying not to drink.

Lyndsay's good friend Adreinne told me about his upcoming indie movie release and how he recently got a big name to take a look at it. It had to do with giving illegal immigrants the ability to go to college, and if they obtained a degree they could be granted citizenship. Genious idea, aparently the Governor of california has decided not to pass the proposition though. interesting though, no??

This is the face you make when your friends make mixed drinks, ha ha ha classic!! walk. walk .walk. street. car. drive.

I'm not 21, the place we were going to was a bar called the Temple. sketch. As soon as everyone packed into 4 cars they were pretty much drunk. sad. It must of been 10mins before we lost her friend that we drove out to LA to see. Pretty much waited in front of this Mexican bar and.....nothing. 
It was around 11pm when we got a hold of her friend, she told us she was at the Roosevelt hotel. We headed down, if you've never been to "Teddy's" its pretty much a upscale lounge area that anyone can go to hang out. Everyone was dressed up in the LA high fashion model style/edgy musician look and carried themselves like they were well off. I went in a black sweater, casual, lol. Its funny. Sometimes celebrities go there if your into that. Its worth checking out, and its open every night.
Showed up at Teddy's, Candace wasn't there. They headed back to the apartment lol. fuck it. we decided to stay and mingle. Some long haired guy walked up to me with his arms out so I gave him a hug, he asked me to head outside with him for a cig. he offered. i declined. don't smoke. bad for vocals. The guy seemed like a friendly stranger, but when he called me by my first name and started asking if i still lived near elsinore I was really thrown off. who is this guy, how does he know shit about me??? mikey is on the left above.
I asked people who he was and I was told his name was Mikey Baird, he was hosting some event that night according to a new friend named Tony. I couldn't put my finger on how he knew me, and why it seemed like we knew each other for years. was he fucking with me?? no idea. just went with it. Made a few more random friends and had an interesting convo with a guy who was a film assistant. I swear he was the actor from lord of the rings, pippin. guess not. Ended up hanging out with mikey and his friends for the rest of my stay.

It was around 11pm when we got a hold of her friend, she told us she was at the Roosevelt hotel. We headed down, if you've never been to "Teddy's" its pretty much a upscale lounge area that anyone can go to hang out. Everyone was dressed up in the LA high fashion model style/edgy musician look and carried themselves like they were well off. I went in a black sweater, casual, lol. Its funny. Sometimes celebrities go there if your into that. Its worth checking out, and its open every night.
Showed up at Teddy's, Candace wasn't there. They headed back to the apartment lol. fuck it. we decided to stay and mingle. Some long haired guy walked up to me with his arms out so I gave him a hug, he asked me to head outside with him for a cig. he offered. i declined. don't smoke. bad for vocals. The guy seemed like a friendly stranger, but when he called me by my first name and started asking if i still lived near elsinore I was really thrown off. who is this guy, how does he know shit about me??? mikey is on the left above.

I asked people who he was and I was told his name was Mikey Baird, he was hosting some event that night according to a new friend named Tony. I couldn't put my finger on how he knew me, and why it seemed like we knew each other for years. was he fucking with me?? no idea. just went with it. Made a few more random friends and had an interesting convo with a guy who was a film assistant. I swear he was the actor from lord of the rings, pippin. guess not. Ended up hanging out with mikey and his friends for the rest of my stay.
Lyndsay and her friends got fed up really quick so we left and headed back to candaces. Mikey invited me to some beach thing the next day and we exchanged numbers. no homo. I knew he wasn't gay, he was spitting game at fine women. I was impressed with his confidence and figured I should keep in touch with the guy weither i knew him or not. i have a horrible memory.

Got back to the apartment, the cops are outside. Followed us up to the room. noise complaint. hide the pig!! it was a mess. Candace was completely drunk, everyone was wasted. Sad way to spend your birthday. Everyone came out to see her. Pig ended up pissing on Lyndsays bag and ate her makeup. crazy night. stupid pig.

Saturday i took a break from the warehouse. im stressed. its showing. not 100%. need to relax. Beach thing with mikey? hit up Jamie, headed to Manhattan beach. 1hr drive turned into 2hr drive/getting lost. good times. Finally found them and a parking spot ha ha, jumped out.

Mikey rode the garbage truck, met up with other random strangers. lost Mikey, made more friends. found mikey. walk walk walk.

Stopped at some pizza place that was packed, made two random friends in line. forgot their names right away but I could tell they were trouble. party animals. The trip was deffinately wortwhile. Even if I didn't remember mikey, he was really cool to hang out with. at the end of the day i was completely relaxed, singing off the top of my lungs with jamie on the ride home.

home by 8, out to victorville by 9. camped in a tent in lyndsays grandmas back yard. farted all night. watched paranormal activity. so much fun. can't stop smiling while i think about it.

Sunday I went to the warehouse with Dylan and Lyndsay. The whole crew was there, it was so chill!!! Ended up fixing some previous issues and after 4 hours ended up hammering out 6 mummy shirts. Finally. Had to make some new pallets -$40 + time.

I swear the warehouse is the one place I can get away from everything and do something productive with my friends. If this side project ever goes anywhere, i know my friends would come along the way. Its seriously great to have people you can rely on and that are true friends.

Its nice to just relax and fuck around while still handleing business, if you take things too seriously. you wont make the most of it. The flash dryer cures the ink enough to throw on the next color without having the previous color get on the next screen. Dylan and I made the only 2 blak mummy t shirt prints. Can you guess what movie our facial expression is from, dylan totally handled this ha ha!!

I came back to the warehouse on Tuesday with my good friend Stephanie "age", had a quick breakfast at IHOP and hit the warehouse. on the way steph asked if i even paid?? yea. She was down with her shit, helped out with making the shirts and everything.

Right as we left, hit the freeway. need gas. found gas station. pull out wallet. wheres my debit card?!?! drove back to IHOP. is my debit card here? guy looks for it, keeps looking. keeps looking. what the fuck. its not there.

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