I spent last Friday with Vanessa mixing paint at the warehouse, it was a fucking mess!! For those of you who don't know plastisol ink doesn't dry unless you "cure" it. We spent hours trying to get the right yellow to match the moon in the warewolf design.

Does that look like it. nope. mix. mix. mix. now. nope. fuck it "we'll do it live". fat glob of yellow. its right!!. After about 3 hours the paint was ready to go and the screens were live. Got to print out one shirt and noticed the pink screen didn't come out right. need to redo it. no time today. fucked around with Vanessa the whole time. she's been getting hit up a lot on model mayhem!!

Sunday Matt Benninghoff came down and we made a munch stop at the International House of Pancakes!! my treat. gotta eat if your going to work all day. we talked about females. females. food. coffee. females. ha ha its a trip that ive known this foo for 4 years now, we got our 1st tattoos by a guy named Danny. now in jail.

Tell me this isn't bomb, ...only $4.99. order their iced coffee too its sooo good and it has unlimited refils. they for sure lost money on my refills....x4

Had to remake the pink screen 3 times till it came out just right. Hammered out about 25 shirts and munched on chips with a side of Arizona ice teas. I got this huge sense of pride from hammering out my shirts. I could of never done any of this without my friends help. for that ill always be thankful. I noticed after the next days run that all the warewolf shirts were slightly off center. the brand name was about an inch closer to the left sleeve than the right. there all trashed now...$450 and 20+ hours down the fucking drain. I should of tried on the 2-3 shirt to make sure i liked the allignment. I was too concerned on how well the actual print was coming out, which by the way was perfect....but none the less a waste of time. This isn't working out too well...

Headed over to Dylan's with Matt and had a little smoke sesh while I watched the last episodes of Avatar the last air bended. everyone keeps telling me the tattoo on my left arm looks like ang. its not him. the monk on my left arm resembles humanity in general and how fragile we really are. we have control over nothing except the small decisions we make. We tried to open a coconut that dylan had lying around in his kitchen, he didn't have a hammer for some reason so he improvised with a wrench and some pick. caveman status. after 5 minutes of failed attempts he finally cracked it open only to find out the fucking coconut was dried and rotten. fuck my life. i was so excited, like a kid before Christmas. this is how i know im going to be fat in the future

Settled the stomach with an old school bowl of fruit loops, i hate this cereal. bright colors creep me out for some reason. sugar is good for the soul.

Jordan had a kick back, i rolled up with Ashly Peanut and Becka. Right away 2 cops rolled up on us, got out of their cars, and then turned around and ran down the street. like they were after someone. I thought we were fucked since we had drugs and alcohol in our possession but they chased after someone else. didn't even notice us 6ft away lol. the party was chill, the usual faces and a few new ones. all my best friends left 20 minutes after i got there so i was with Peanut and Becka for the night!!

The party started right after a majority of the people left. Beer pong, kings cup, and card magic tricks filled the night.

Once the mood was up people started doing lines of Zannies and Coke. Becka wasn't down but Peanut was...then Becka was! drugs. drugs. another line. everyone seemed happy in this little illusion. it was saddening to watch but i knew they knew better. kinda my fault in a way. Becka broke a candle case stumbling to the bathroom. she felt horrible about it.

We all went out side since there all my favorite stoners and had a grip of smoke sessions. Becka had to piss really bad and instead of going to the bathroom because of the candle incident, she popped a squat!!! fucking becka ha ha all she said was "I don't give a fuck right now!! " left around 4am. Becka puked. puked a lot. tired. lots to do. still thinking about the clothing line. money is really an issue now. close my eyes. nightmares

Friday I woke up and crunched some numbers, my overall cost for the shirts was over $14 not including the design. Between the fuck-ups, the supplies, other costs, and my time it was not worth it. I found a printing company that had decent prices, they can do it now. Its going to cost $2,000 to wrap up, but at least if they fuck up a shirt i dont pay for it or lose the time to redo it. it really stresses me out that I'm also dropping the warehouse because of it, but my costs are just too high right now. Each batch of shirts is coming out close to $1000 total and taking around 25+ hours per batch. i turned 20 in may, i get $15 an hour at my job/$10 after taxes. 40+ hour weeks over summer...almost to waste. School takes up half my week, studying and work the rest. i'm adapting now. i learned so much though. When planning organize everything into detail and think about what could go wrong....really think about it.

I had a tire change at walmart, peanut lives by walmart. She got up at 8:30 am just to hang out with me till my tires were done. Around 9am i had a pregame grub sesh at del taco with some 39 cent tacos, 10am costco opened and the pizza, smoothie, hot dog, churro feast began!!! I called my mom, she's still ignoring me. I hope she realizes how much time she's wasting while getting over our fight from june. I'm sure she'll come around....patience right?? I ran into Talyn's ex at wallmart after peanut dropped me off, sketch. you can never be honest with your best friends ex. just smile and say it was good seeing them. I have my best friends backs before anything.

Saturday morning was band practice. We had a show in LA but somehow it got canceled last minute. The bands been on the back burner since school has been consuming my life. We wrapped up the last song for our new album finding clarity. Little arguments here and there but overall the day was productive. Were going to be losing bubba soon, he's moving to San Diego. bummed.

Headed out after practice to hang out with my friend Kayla. She lives with our friend Shannon 2 miles from the band house. Shannon was to tired/hung over to go out so Kayla and I dipped to Albertos. The best burrito place in the world. If you ever visit southern california, go to albertos and have a carne asade burrito. $4.55. happy. Kayla told me about this girl friend of hers that had a little interesting problem. Kayla's friend was a lesbian that looked like a guy. Was called a boys name, and had a girlfriend that didn't know she was a girl. The relationship began to get intimate and they wanted to have sex.

So Kaylas friend freaked out, she doesn't have a dick...obviously. She ended up getting a sausage and carving it to have a mushroom tip like a penis. popped it into the microwave and warmed it up, wrapped it in aluminum foil and headed over to the girlfriends house. Apparently she fucked her girlfriend by holding the sausage and pretending it was a dick. i have no idea how she did it but she did. i guess after some time, people at school started to wonder if the girl friend knew, and was eventually exposed as a girl. the girlfriend flipped out and asked what the hell she lost her virginity too.......gross!!! that poor girl has to live the rest of her life knowing she lost her virginity to a meat sausage. some girls have had worse ha ha! weather the story was true or not, its funny to think about lol.

Woke up way to early to take some pictures of my friend Maddy, he's got a hip hop thing going. I'm not into that particular style to much but i liked one of the songs they played for me in the car. I went to high school with these guys back in the day.

First place was the Mission Inn in downtown riverside. Really upscale place, didn't really fit what we were going for though. A lot of people kept staring and it was kinda sketch. we kept doing our thing.

We had to sneak around since you need some sort of permit to shoot, theres this corner area on the upper front level facing the pool thats somewhat secluded and has decent lighting during the day.

I really like this picture, it reminds me of an old school hip hop look. I really liked the fact that these guys were digging in the trenches like me with music. Still doing pre-sale and overall just upset over greedy venue promoters. They were genuinely humble and chill dudes!

We headed out to this Cafe Amanda Farhall took me too a while back called The grind right next to the mission inn. Got a delicious coffee and went upstairs to chill. Ended up really liking the overall vibe upstairs, like a vintage old school feel. They started to loosen up, its kinda weird getting your picture taken lol.

Somewhere along hanging out there we noticed a friendly crowd appeared. They started talking to Maddy then me, then we quickly started getting hit on by some author dude downstairs. we left. real quick.

Headed to the powerhouse, got some urban grafitti shots there. I think this is more of the feel that they wanted. The lighting was a bitch to deal with but I made the most of it. I love that every time I go to the powerhouse there is new fresh tagging, its like the place is alive and always changing. kinda like us.

Sunday after noon was spent studying, studying in the car, and going to LA with Lyndsay for our friend Adrienne's 23rd birthday party at some Italian restaurant. His whole family was there and best friends. I started to think about how my family never gets together too often anymore, deff not for my birthday lol. The place was really nice, and packed with old people ha ha!

Its crazy to think that these two have been apart of my life for the past 2 years, through the drugs, the alcohol, the clubs, the fights, and all the little things in between. Out of all of her friends I can actually stand him, plus he's funny as fuck!!

We must of waited around for an hour or so for our food to get here. Bullshit. it was expensive. the portions looked really small and skimpy. i was not exited. ended up taking random pictures of shit and watching the old people dance to a live band of old people. The lead singer must have been 60+ and his wife was this sexy cougar maybe 40 or so. im telling you, start learning how to sing karaoke now and you'll get the fine old bitches later ha ha jk.

The food came and it was in a good portion. EEEEPPPPAAAA!!! It was soo good, not the best but worth the $28 bill. Everyone else got scammed, Lyndsay's friend Candace payed $6 for 5 burgerking sized chicken nuggets. highway robbery.

Everyone seemed to be having a good time and the usual gossip spread around the table. I learned what a weave is, is on the left on Candace's head. wine. wine. wine.

The whole place sang Adrienne happy birthday and they brought out 2 cakes! They were Tres Leche cakes, which are cakes with milk in it so its moist. Its the only kind of cake I will eat. I generally hate bread, pancakes, cupcakes, toast, buns, and anything dry for the most part. I learned to be a bit more patient with things, my focus needs to be on school right now and the part of me that likes to be over productive is having a hard time. accounting 201a fuck you.
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