White boy Greg spent the night, woke up around 7am and made some potato and egg burritos. Layered some Teriyaki pineapple BBQ sauce and dug in! Drove to my warehouse in Santa Ana only to drive all the way back to pick up my check to pay tuition. Got to Fullerton around 1pm and showed greg all the "fine" -> (fat over tanned bitches) at my school. no bueno. Headed back to the warehouse and started breaking down the old screen, recoating them, exposing them, and taping them.

Done around 5pm, drenched in sweat from the lamps and being stuck in a bathroom the whole time. You cant coat the screens in light because the chemical that is used to coat the screen is sensitive to light. It hardens. Which is why you use a dark negative of your design to expose your screens so the light hardens all the area around the design and your left with just your design.

then headed back to corona to pick up my friends, got on a toll road without any change and had to go on reverse back to the light that led us into it. sketch ha ha. drove all the way up to colton and played at this bar with Harley Quinn and Attila the Hun.

Overall a great show, all of our close friends, and family came by and I found out my guitarist Steven's brother is also having a kid soon. Its always good seeing Evelyn and her band HQ play, they really improved their stage performance and music. Even got to take some pics!!! Evelynn got Bananas tattooed across her finger and started doing exhale screaming ha ha, crazy chunti!! We ended up getting kicked out because we were too sober, the bar tenders wanted the kids to buy drinks and food and do all this bullshit.

Had an interesting conversation with her and later with the promoter over their unprofessional behavior. Never playing there again or working with that production company. We were the only band that did presale, we were over 50 miles from the venue, and still got treated like shit. I swear some people are just born with greed in their veins. It was obvious they were trying to use us, but we paid to play which is stupid in itself so they can fuck off!!
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