I woke up around 5:30 and found myself at the highest deck on the ship. It was still pretty dark out, I watched as black seas turned into different shades of emerald blue and glazy reds burned threw the sky like paint streaks. All was still until an orange eye appeared in the horizon over the shores of france and for the first time I saw the sun rise.

At exactly 6am I was the first one to the breakfast buffet...of course ha ha. I wolfed down 3 plates then took a nap till the ship got the Montecarlo port in France/Monaco? Everyone looked haggard as fuck, most of them suffering from jet lag. Funny thing is that everyone kept looking at me weird lol.

The port was small, the clifs were steep, and there was green everywhere. All the banks were closed for some reason and I couldn' exchange my money. Not to mention no one spoke a word of english. The locals were pretty nice if I spoke to them in spanish, but as soon as I switched to english there were fucking cunts. No wonder we dont like the french, assholes ha ha. jk. I wandered around since I had 8 hours to kill in the tinyest city ever!!

The sea gulls here were fucking rabid. I saw one attack a lady for her bread and another swoop on a sub sandwitch out of a dudes hand. Dont fuck with the birds, there down for their shit!! Everything was expensive, except the food. It was really annoying walking around because everyone was trying to sell me shit. Im on vacation mother fuckers, if I wanted to buy something ID BUY IT!!! I went to some little park for silence. There were a grip of metal statues everywhere. One of a couple holding each other was the most aesthetic on the eye. It reminded me of someone...missed her already? sketch! They had exotic plants and among them, cactus lol??

I climbed up to the top of this hill and looked down on the city, it was so colorful and tightly packed. I didnt see a beach anywhere though and I was hungry so I wandered off again. My mom kept getting pissy because I didnt like knowing where I was going. It confused her or something. go away. It was time to feast!!

There must have been 3-4 churches in the small 2 mile walk I did and they were all very detailed. I was getting a tad irritated because I kept trying to take pictures and so many tourists kept walking into them, or there were just s grip of them within the pictur like the one above. fuck tourists ha ha.

I tried to find "french fries" or as they call them here in france..."fries". but no one had them, it was just a grip of pasta places which I didnt think resembled the cuisine of france at all. I settled with this dry ass sandwitch/sub and some wierd sports drink. The sea gulls didnt get me!!

I found a beach on the other side of the city, my feet were fucking done. Once I got on the beach I noticed there wasnt any sand?? It was just small pebbles and people were laying naked all over it. Well at least old as women were. I saw so many saggy boobs i've come to peace with what my "wife's" tits will look like when shes old. fucking disgusting. and they were all over tanned and red. I found a few girls that were my age, they were all topless which was fucking wierd because they were kinda fat lol. They were from some city in southern france and spoke little english but really good spanish. They told me that bars and pubs are the place to be in France and to eat as much food as I can in Italy. Down!! "Chao!"

I got lost on the way back and was able to get away from all the tourists and old people. There were so many beautful streets and mini gardens hanging from windows. Everyone here seemed to ride a vespa and were really clean cut. No one really slowed down for pedestrians and some american lady almost got hit. stupid. its not hard to look the other way. 6pm check in. Passed the fuckout...hello jet lag!
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