Got to Philidelphia for my 4 hour layover, the place was boring as fuck. Couldnt leave the airport. Saw a jaguar staring at me...how much? $43,000. "Thank you for using US airways"..sleep

Landed in Barcelona, Spain 10 hours later. Airplane food is fucking great, no joke. Its just like elementary school lunches only $1600 for one. The airport architecture was very modern and used a lot of clear glass. Suddenly I was surrounded by blue eye'd, blonde haired, white looking women that all spoke spanish better than me. weird. they looked german almost. 2 hour delay till we could board the ship. Got onto the cruise lines shuttle and it took us around town.

All the stops were need bet one of the most eye catching ones was a church that was designed by Guotti?? It was still under construction, he was unique in the sense that he only accepted donations from the local people to create his buildings and nothing else. There was so much detail in ever corner, the shot above only shows 1/4 of the building. click it for more detail. "Beware there are many pick pocketers in this area"- spanish bus driver. I'd fuck up anyone that tried to touch my shit!
Another stop was by this castle looking building, the first thing that stood out was this huge statue of a kind. Not sure who it was but it too had great detail. I did my own thing and dipped away from the guide and went down some random alleys. Ended up at this little art shop.
It featured art from the local college, not too many people were stopping in but I thought the work was fucking great. There was a lot of color and geometric shape used in a majority of the pieces.
I want this one in my room, its so grungie!! 350 euro, not too bad seeing how this painting was about 5ft x 3.5 ft. The girl that ran the shop was really chill and had a clean cut image. She was kind enough to let me take pictures even though we weren't suppost too.
I didnt want to miss the bus seeing how the old spanish driver made it really clear that he didnt give a dam if he left anyone behind. Looked back before I stepped on and noticed these dudes with buckets.
Sure enough these guys are making huge bubbles!!! I love bubbles. There were about 3 of them and they could make them so fast. The entire area by the bus was engulfed in human sized bubbles. They tripped out that I was taking pictures and didnt tip them. I hadnt exchanged my money yet though and the dollar is nothing out there. peace out then ha ha. "ya vamos"
The ship was 13 stories high, had 2 pools, a water slide, 6 bars, 4 clubs, and 3 "FREE" Buffets!!! Paradise right...wrong!! All I saw was old ass couples, no one my age and little ass kids. I'd everone was either 1-8 & 40+ with nothing in between. FML!!
I pushed aside my little age dillema and pigged the fuck out in the buffet. They had a little of everything and it actually all tasted good. They had waiters every 5 ft of the place that would pick up your dishes literally as soon as you were done. Handled that shit lol. The crew was mainly asian, couldn't really tell from what region since...you know...most asians look the same!!! jk. but really.
Room 10045 floor 10. The ship was really nice, lots of random artwork everywhere. Karaoki was at 9:30 in the S lounge floor 13. I never noticed how much people enjoyed american karaoki, all the old guys that were good at it were getting all the bitches...all the old, saggy tit, over make-up'd bitches ha ha. I guess i better start practicing :]

Landed in Barcelona, Spain 10 hours later. Airplane food is fucking great, no joke. Its just like elementary school lunches only $1600 for one. The airport architecture was very modern and used a lot of clear glass. Suddenly I was surrounded by blue eye'd, blonde haired, white looking women that all spoke spanish better than me. weird. they looked german almost. 2 hour delay till we could board the ship. Got onto the cruise lines shuttle and it took us around town.

All the stops were need bet one of the most eye catching ones was a church that was designed by Guotti?? It was still under construction, he was unique in the sense that he only accepted donations from the local people to create his buildings and nothing else. There was so much detail in ever corner, the shot above only shows 1/4 of the building. click it for more detail. "Beware there are many pick pocketers in this area"- spanish bus driver. I'd fuck up anyone that tried to touch my shit!

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