I dont know why but the whole fight thing with my mom is still bending me out of shape. I've spent this whole week out with friends and being as productive as I can be. Worked 40+ hours, had 2 band practices, finished 50 TNB shirts, went clubbing, photography, hung out with friends, and currently with family. Im in love with costco food, its cheap and delicious. If only high schools sold it when I was younger right??

Settled out things with my old best friend beckii, fighting with friends over stupid shit is a waste of time. Time that you could spend with each other hanging out...and eating costco pizza!! Having dylan and talyn around only made the day that much better. I swear I have the best friends anyone can ask for. I've got their backs till the day I fucking die.

There were a lot of old faces that I hadn't seen in a while. Izzy moved back when I was in europe so I spent some of my week kickin it with him. Visited Tamara in LA later on and she was kind enough to make us all dinner before we headed out to Les Deux for rock mondays. Los tres amigos y Izzmiester the Jew!!

We ran into a little arcade in the middle of downtown, all sketch. Busted out a mini shoot till the owner chased us out trying to get us to pay $10 to take pictures in there. I swear all everyone is out for these days is money, he didnt take into consideration we were just trying to make art. something everyone could appreciate. fuck it. not going to ruin the night. stubborn dick shit.

After waiting a fucking life time i sadly realised that les deux is now being run by douche bags, they had people waiting for 45 mins outside, even though its free before 11pm, so that they could charge everyone. I remember when I used to go with friends here a while back and everyone was treated with respect, the crowd was actually into rock/metal, and the alternative scene made the place so worthwhile to be at. It was infested with jersey shores looking bitches that swore they were hot shit/"VIP", to make things better there wasnt anyone to interesting except this new friend we made in line named amanda. I wanted to whip my dick out so the promoters and door men could all suck it. w.e. i was with good company.

I felt bad, all my friends had to pay. Like I said it used to never be like that. ...everyone is out for money. fuck us right. the place was really packed though, grip of lovely girls everywhere. none of them really caught my eye though. headed over to the little stage that they had in the middle room. this is the area that holds les deux soul, the live bands.

They were called the ____ Robots and were old school metal. They had a decent following and the guitarist was really easy to work with while shooting. Some 30+ woman that was drunk at 11 decided to publicly mollest me as I was taking pictures. Miguel just stood there and did nothing. she was funny. everyone was having a good time. but my friends throats were sober and we were only staying till midnight.

Not exactly a crazy night in hollywood but I got to do all the little things that make me happy. Hanging out with good friends. Watching passionate musicians play. Take pictures of everything around me. Long drives. Eating Tamaras extremely healthy food. having interesting conversations. Im content. The night ended with Izzy and I busting a mission to this asian seven eleven type thing to get salmon filled rice triangles and those yogert cover pretzel sticks.

I've been over my head with work, mini drama, and personal goals, but my dad rented out a few lenses for my step sisters baby shower. I got to try them out, the clarity was so intense. Took the picture above!! Its funny I shot this in my room with a $4 "daylight" bulb, my $30 mic stand, and a $5 light reflector that goes around the bulb like a hat, it looked like professional $200+ lighting. $40 self made lighting kit= great results. you should try it. I went to church today for the first time since my friend Jose's funeral. It was interesting to say the least but I didnt want to miss my nephews baptism. I need to make more shirts, im paying $1,011.5 for the rest of the shirts. $150 for transparencies and gold foil. $250 for warehouse rent. $120 for new paint. But i move into the warehouse this coming monday which only puts me that much closer to my goal. Im happy with how things are going, even better since ive distanced myself from people that I dont think deserve my time. fuck em. Overall this was a great week and its helped me find some much needed clarity. Always remember to do all the little things that make you happy and respect yourself.
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