Sunday was spent at the drive in with Lyndsay, we watched "The other guys" and "Salt". Completely worth the $7 ha ha, I noticed there were a lot of people at the drive in. Its seriously so sick though, I brought a bucket of KFC extra crispy chicken, doughnuts, Mexican ice cream, 4 bags of Funyons, and no water ha ha!! There was a meteor shower while the movies were rolling, it was intense. I must have seen at least 12+ fly by, we kept tripping out because Lynsday is scared of aliens lol. Reordered the shirts on monday, got up early to pick them up on tuesday morning. The warehouse I get them at raised the prices by 30 cents, balls. broke. -$23.94 in my bank. still need to wash them before i print, this week is going to be busy.

Thursday was intense, woke up and took my dad to the airport. 1pm flight to arizona to take my cousins to the Grand Canyon. I don't think the realizes how little trips like that can really make an impression on a kids life! I wish i could of gone. Headed to Costco with my partner in crime and grubbed down on some high class costco pizza, churros, and berry smoothies...i swear it tastes better because its cheap!!

1 hr later I paid for my fictitious business name and have published it in the new paper, im certified niglets!! then headed to the NBM trade show @ the long beach convention center to meet the people ive been working with for the past few years.

The drive was fun, roll down the windows, blast your favorite songs, and sing your fucking heart out. Long beach was cool, we got our NBM show passed and headed in to explore. To be honest it wasn't anything crazy but I did want to see what machines and techniques are currently being used to print shirts besides the manual way I am doing it.

I met up with Dennis my connect for Ryonet, such a funny dude. I think we hung out there for about an hour talking about what not to do when your married, introduced me to discharge printing, and helped me out with little issues I was having while printing. I got to see the automatic shirt press machines and was invited to their after party on saturday which I was unfortunately not able to attend.

As I was about to leave I saw this guy with sleeves! Finally I didn't feel like such a sore thumb in this place ha ha. His name was Dan Holzer and he owned a T-shirt printing company in Oakland called Forward Printing. He showed me what discharge inks did to shirts, what water based ink looked like on shirts, and even hooked it up with printing rates. His quality of printing was insanely good, he'd most likely spit on my shirts ha ha!! Overall cool dude if you need shirts done in the bay check them out @ Forwardprinting.com

$20 for 2 and Lyn and I were in the OC FAIR!!! it smelled like BBQ everywhere and it was fucking packed. 1st thing we saw was a free petting zoo!!!!!! zoo!!! I found a new deck of cards and we wandered around till Nikko's fight went on.

This mother fucker was the star and he knew it. He was so cocky he'd just eat the food out of your hand before you offered. He had the weirdest eyes, frog eyes. Everyone kept staring, he was unique. click the image and really look at them.

Of course lyndsay went ape shit with all the animals,...until they started shitting and pissing everywhere ha ha , it was fun. we were the oldest people in there but it was worth looking like a kid. plus all the animals had a cool deformity.

They had these baby cows chillin in their cages, they were food hores.

I found some cock laying on the floor, i touched his red mowhawk and he bit me. punk bitch. id kick his ass if i was a chicken....i love KFC

They had a bread museum where culinary artists created sculptures out of bread. it was pretty sick, id feel horrible eating such a piece of work.

I ran into my good friend Gary and his girlfriend Kaylee. He used to be on the same wrestling team and Nikko Cataline and I. He was drunk as fuck ha ha, he put his arm around my waist when we took this. weird. lol

I was able to catch Nikko Cataline right before his fight, ha ha its such a trip to see the guy I used to wrestle with in high school doing professional fighting. He used to pretty much kick everyone's ass in high school and got to nationals I believe.

I though it was so funny that the guy he was about to fight had no idea what he was about to take on. Nikko by far drew the largest crowd of about 80+ friends and fans to watch. The match was over quick, Nikko punched the guy in the face and took him down. Knee to the somache, guy moves, knee, knee, knee, knee about a minute of kneeing and Nikko won his 3rd fight.

He walked down all proud with his winning papers, his sister Jackie (my JV wrestling coach) was behind him all supportive. Behind her was his trainers/sponsors. It was a dope fight. He was talking about going into the professional fight, he said he had a friend that makes 12k just for fighting and gets huge bonuses for knock outs and winning. Its insane how much money a fighter can make. but the real money is going to the promoters that are charging $20 a seat ha ha.

I haven't seen Jackie in forever, she had her son not to long ago!! I was really glad to see an old face. Jackie used to fuck me up back in the day, like nothing lol.

Wandered around the fair for a while, I had 10 tickets that cost $5. For some reason I though that would be enough to have fun. wrong. the Ferris wheel was seven tickets a person.

Found a duck game where you had to toss a ring around its neck. it sounds easy but after i convinced the guy running the booth to let me do it for free....i quickly learned it was hard. at the age of 20 i can't even put a ring around a rubber ducks fucking head!! fuck me.

This was by far the coolest thing. I remember being young and going to the swap meets in San Jose and getting a potato sack and flying down slides like these. It was 8 tickets to ride...this place is $$$.

Kept walking around, the majority of the games were around $4 for one ball/dart/toss and you generally had to get 2-3 to get a small or medium prize. $8 for a $1 prize lol. it worked.

Found one....one...fun house that was 5 tickets. Enough for my and lyndsay to jump on and fuck around. It was fun, not worth $5 fun, but more of a fuck my life I didnt just pay this money im going to walk around of a while and break shit kind of fun.

They stopped the fun house because I was running on the Spinning tunnel thing like a hamster. I couldn't resist. The operator pushed the stop button and I almost flipped over ha ha!!

Friday was man cave day. I waited for my best friend Dylan Russel to get off work so we could make up the shirts I messed up last week. We stopped by the gas station and picked up some old school grub. Glass cokes are classy and taste better then can or plastic cokes!! fact.

For some fucking reason Dylan could put the black layer on flawlessly. I couldn't get all the ink through on some shirts. It pissed me off, im guessing its because dylan is 3x stronger than me. fuck you DER!!!

We knocked off another 14 shirts with only 1 mess up, 6 hours total. Tired. Headed home and smiled at the though of almost being done with the 2nd shirt. I kept forgetting little things through the day, dylan blames the pills we used to take at raves. fuck my life, but in all reality my short term memory has been horrible since I rolled. I haven't even rolled in 2 years. drugs=bad

Steven had a BBQ to celebrate his new born baby, Ian Ray Gonzales. I think he was born thursday after noon I cant quite remember but steven texted me right away. the last time I saw him he wasn't a dad.

Got to the BBQ and all of stevens family was there. Dylan came along and we just kicked back and ate some bomb food. This is what a traditional Mexican American BBQ looks like, burger, corn, rice, and frijoles vato!! Steven can't handle wieners, he burned most of them ha ha!!

There were kids everywhere, funny thing about mexican families is there huge. Mine is too I have something like 20 aunts and uncles and each of them have 2-4+ kids lol. This one in particular kept starring at me funny so I took a picture ha ha.

This was Ian, fresh as fuck with a green bib. Angie went into labor around 7am but didnt have him till around 5pm. She said the actual delivery was 3o mins and she couldn't feel anything below her waist. She said they told her to push like she was pooping!! ha ha ha ha. ha ha . ha. Ian looks a lot like steven, he has angies cheeks and chin. That though of having a mini steven around is here. in my face. alive. I swear this kid is going to hate metal, its all he heard for the past 9months in angies tummy while she was at our practices!!

Saturday night I headed over to visit my friend Talyn in victorville. Carlton and him "went to town" with parties apparently. This is only one half of the wall of death ha ha. if your going to party....do it right!

Tonight was the night I took my dumbest step into my bucket list....going to a sketch ass strip club with my friends. Luckly Lyndsay was there so it wasn't as weird. $10 to get in, 1 drink an hour minimum $5, and you have to tip the strippers if you sit in the front. Everyone in there was fucking creepy and sketch. I wanted to leave after the second stripper. I noticed that some men could shake their legs frantically when the strippers got close. It was creepy, I felt out of place, didn't like a single part of it, something about the women just stripping like that didn't sit well with me. as much as i love boobs, i didn't like these boobs. their bodies were about a 2-3, their dancing was even worse, and they would come up to you in an attempt to try to take your money. no one gave a dam who you were, they just wanted what was in your pocket. and no joke these strippers hustled people harder than the best drug dealers ive ever dealt with. it was disgusting. for one night i was one of those loser ass freaks that goes to a strip club. never again. i took 3 showers and i still felt dirty.

Sunday was hammer time with Matt Benninghof, we headed out to the warehouse with lyndsay and picked up some bomb Jack in the box. double chicken sandwich combo for $3.99....eeeepppa!

We finished the last of the mummy shirts. I was finally fucking done. 1/3 of the way done with production. my overall cost for these 50 shirts was over $500+ though. if the next shirts come out the same way i'd be better off hiring a company to print them. I went to bed Sunday with a chicken rice dinner and a boner of success.