It really bothers me that there are people out there that allow themselves to be put in a cage by a lover. "Lover" the person who is suppost to support you in anything you do, see the best in your personality and flaws, and be nothing short of your best friend. Yet "some", (when you are good at something or recognised for something aesthetic that sparks others interest in you in any form) jump to conclusions/insecurities and try to cage you in their own selfish desires. In turn some people give into their lovers demand, stop following their dreams, break friendships with people, ingnore others, turn their lives into stone,etc... I've seen people that have hollow eyes that simply stare out and speak of nothing but nonsense, like living zombies. I was once told "a waste of talent is the saddest thing for another to bare", a quote that has pushed me through some of my hardest times. I have a grim time understanding how people can be so "weak minded" to allow another to control them out of "love".
If the person that loves you cant see the beauty in you for every talent, flaw, insecurity, and dreadful part of you, do they really love you? Are you with them because they respect you as a being and they enhance your days/goals or your own private insecurities and needs?? Maybe im being stupid but i think we all need to grow the fuck up and realise that relationships can be "best-friendships" before "lovers" and not the other way around. It all makes sense in my head, or i might be crazy. I'd rather not go into detail though, you either understand it or you dont.
I insist everyone to follow your passions patiently, and never let anyone get in the way of your dreams,goals, and close friendships.....in the end all we really have is ourselfs and our dignity. Fuck anyone who tries to stain them. I am tired of the people in my life that are like this, I know it may be grim but I guess some things just cant be saved.
Goodbye dear friend.
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