I got 4 hrs of sleep and a pound of piscaccio's, I was off to San Francisco. After randomly running into people dressed up as japanese samuri I spotted a homeless man surrounded by several other "bums". My curiousity lead me to walk up and talk to him. His name was Tony, he was holding a thick stack of small news papers
The newspaper is created and edited by local homeless writers who want to bring awareness to issues the homeless were having. I liked him, every other "bum" was asking me for change whith toothless mouths...I dont support habbits. Tony asked me to donate to help raise awareness, the first homeless man I've met who was trying to make a differnce for the poor and drug addicted people of SF....at a quick glance one would of never seen his heart or his wings.

I kept walking around, these dam birds were everywhere. Tell me they dont look evil ha ha! I opened up Tony's newspaper and noticed that SF is trying to pass a new law that didnt allow anyone to "Sit/Lay" on sidewalks from 9am-7pm. The article clearly pointed out that the homeless were being attacked. I understand that the homeless issue is huge in SF (seeing how I couldnt take 10 steps without seeing a homeless person today) but, how would this law help them in any way. Wouldnt it just make things harder for everyone??

Artwork was everywhere, the odd thing was that no one would tag over these murals. Respect.

Made my way over to the Cheesecake Factory!!!.....Pigged the fuck out on the balcony!

Went over to some theater to randomly watch a broadway play called Wicked. First off, I saw a musical for the first time 2 weeks ago and I fucking hated it. Second, no one told me this shit was a fucking musical until after I got the $100+ ticket. FML. The play wasn't bad, im not to into theater so dont take my opinion to heart. The little kids that sat around me went APE SHIT!! The costumes, singing, decorations, and set design where insane. At the end of the play they made a speech to help out a "HIV non-profit" organization that has been doing bad since the recession hit. Its nice to see that not everyone is an asshole.

This trip ends with my best friend Vanessa and Kathy picking me up and calling me a cheap jew! My friends are THE BEST IN THE WEST!!! As sad as this sounds, I still feel like I havent gone out or eased my mind.....I.need.to.ESCAPE.
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