Sunday, June 27, 2010

This Mustache is made of Glass

This week was plain and simple mon-thurs work 10am-7pm, band practice from 7pm-10pm. 11pm dinner and shower. 12am sleep. Took friday off for WARPED TOUR!! Woke up at 7am, picked up Beckii by 9:30am, headed to Tamara's in LA and had a delicious fat free breakfast!! I swear Tamara's cooking is the best. Dropped off her dog daisey and headed to the home depot center in Carson,CA.

Parked in the neighborhoods right across the street from the venue, ignore the signs that tell you not too. Its not really enforced. keep it on the DL. walked right up to the entrance, fuck waiting in line! then was told i couldnt go in with my camera....yea right! I turned around found some guys that worked for a radio station and pretended that I knew them. They agreed to smuggle in my camera. sketch. i was waiting for them to beat my ass and dip with my camera ha ha. they ended up being cool ass dudes and helped me in. didnt even have to take out my ticket. Pierce the veil was on. snapped a shot of the vocalist before he dove into the crowd.

The place was packed at noon, it was hot, and everyone was sweating. Suicide Silence went on and had a good performance. White chappel the same only the sound was off. I ran into so many old friends from previous shows, ex's, crews, and bands. I loved it, nothing is better and talking about the good old times!! I kept losing my friends and finding old ones/making new ones. Its hot. too hot. water is $5 ha ha.

The crowds were really supportive of everyone performing. Warped had deffinately turned itself into a large part of the music scenes culture. Everyone was having a good time and I didnt see any fights the whole day. Confide and Enter shikari played, pretty good blokes!!
Wandering. Wandering. Drop dead booth. wandering. oli sykes girlfriend...looks better in pictures. she was still lovely in person but it was lame that he wasnt personally at his booth. i would imagine it would rack up sales more and the fans would of appreciated it. seeing that it was almost impossible to get that "intimate" feeling with the bands while they performed since we were all 15-200ft away from the stage. Beckii puched some dude in the face for touching her "shit" and fucked up her knucks. metal. Wonka was having picture booths. shade ha ha. the photographer loved us.
Not gonna lie most of the day was spent under this white tent with my friends, everyone met up and we just kinda hung out and caught up with each other. Turns out my friend Tamara knew my other friend Amy through some modeling thing. small world. the smoke from the food was sooo tempting.

Scotty is going to college to become a personal trainer. Before warped the last time I saw any of my Murrieta friends was when I ran the Granada Theater in ontario and I booked my friend Angelo's band.

Dusty and Johnny were still doing the college thing, still getting with the finest of females, and overall still chill ass dudes. I always seem to run into them at any huge music thing. They used to have long scene hair and one day cut it off and got yolked!!!

Attack Attack by far had the best stage presence, they would shit talk the crowd, interact with them alot, went crazy on stage.....and started a huge chicken fight...pictured above it was intense. Deffinately inspired me to do more with my own performance. They were deff having a lot of fun while performing. there were a grip of scene chicks and bikini babes everywhere ha ha!

"This mustache is actually made of glass" by far the best thing i heard all day ha ha. He had a ceptum piercing and put a glass mustache in it. talked to them for a while till my friend justin popped up out of no where!!

Grizzley hug! I was really glad to hear that everything was going well with him. I used to have english with him in high school. 2 years ago. what a trip right?! The rest of the day was spent with my good friend Stephanie Edge. literally wandered around for days. watched BMTH play all their new stuff. neither of us were too pleased with it, kinda wanted to hear the old album more. he kept skipping certain lines that really put that "umph" in certain parts, barely spoke to the crowd, and had the crowd do a lot of the singing/screaming. it was an ok performance but i expected a lot more out of him. at the same time though they could of been jet lagged. I finally feel like i'm at a point where I have what it takes to do warped. A lot of the talent sounded better via cd than live. ill keep that in mind while recording.

Dipped out after watching four years strong w/ steph. Went back to tamara's apartment and she kindly made us a dope dinner. legs are sore. feet are sore. dry sweat. smell bad. but it was so eye opening and relaxing. going to warped made me realise how bad I really want my clothing line to do well and my band to go on tour. the most dominant clothing line was drop dead, at least 300+ kids go their swag which sold for $30 plus ea. bank right? but i feel like it was only due to the face that oli made a name for himself. the designs are sick as hell, and outsold every other line there besides people buying band shirts. that doesnt count though !!

Worked sat to make up for friday. 2 baby wipe packs, a 8 pack of baby spoons, and a pair of baby sippie cups from Target, nanners, and I was off to my guitarist Steven's and his girlfriend Angie's baby shower. Walked in and got a fat hug from steven, they started having blind folded pudding eating races with everyones family. It was seriously so nice to be around that kind of culture. Everyone was really nice and the food was bomb!!! love mexican food. everyone was spilling shit ha ha.

Present time came around and they were flooded with everything. I never knew people made diaper cakes ha ha. They were having a blast opening things and steve looked like a kid on christmas. I kept wondering what it felt like to open up presents for your "future child". Stevens only 3 years older than me, the baby's name is going to be Ian Ray Gonzales after his grandpa.

Its always nice hanging out with my band, we argue a lot, piss each other off, write, joke around, and always have a good time. Their almost like the older brothers I wanted as a kid. Pretty much the only people that ever pick on me. Its cool because even Angie became like "one of the guys" which sometimes got me in trouble for saying stupid shit but I thought it was so cool that I was with steven and angies family celebrating the upcoming birth of thier child.
They were kinda fighting w/ea other but at the end of the day it was obvious they loved each other. I cant imagine how stressful everything is right now for them, planning for expenses, working longer hours, buying supplies, regular fights that happen with every relationship, stress stress stress. once that baby is born their lives are going to completely change. young adults, almost parents. I know that everything will work out for them in the end!! I just get scared that the baby will take steven away from the band but i think his love for music will keep im with us. its just scary because ive grown so close to him and everyone involved. This is what steve will look like holding his own baby!
I couldnt sleep so we decided to take pictures against my wall. This was all bred from boredom ha ha. dont drink much anymore and EDC isnt our kind of thing so the night was spent with a camera and little arguements with myself.

My tounge really is purple ha ha! Its really odd looking at pictures of yourself, i noticed that i need to get into shape though. im just fat rolls and bones lol.

my hitler stash was rediculous, i forgot that ive had it since friday ha ha. you can see it above.

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