Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hello and Goodbye, Day 6

Last night I got into the worst arguement with my mom ever. It started off with her being upset about my past and how my father shouldnt of let me run wild as a kid. She kept going about how my life style would get in the way and how the decisions I made when I was 13 affected her. We argued over how I though it was stupid that her family sent my cousin off to a treatment center over smoking week. Started talking shit on how ive done drugs and how im weak. I told her its more like curiousity not so much peer pressure. if you want to try a drug, you will if you see it proper to do so. anyways she said other things that kinda crossed the line into previous bad blood that we used to have. the type of shit that stays under my skin for a long while, i said things i didnt mean so i could hurt her back. in the end we ended up furious with each other, i think that she handled it all wrong. it became really evident that we just dont get along, the whole trip she was talking shit on every little thing and kept fighting with me over nothing. i havent really had her around growing up and she never took the time to visit when i was a kid. i dont need her now, i think if was better off mentally before this fucking trip with her. im over it. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. shit.

We havent spoken. I worked out, pigged out, then went swimming for a while. Jumped in the jacuzzi and tanned. It was so relaxing, calm, open, just what i needed. Later on they had a Mr. Sexy legs competition. of course my skinny ass entered and i won "Mr. Chicken Legs 2010!!". it became my nick name for the rest of the cruise to all the old people ha ha.

I went to the last production show which was a musical. i hate musicals. Talina invited to watch it with her so it was a little bareable to watch. I found out her father was a well known acrobat that was on several tv shows back in the day. The main actor for the ships"Extreme vegas" act was his student, who was in turn married to his assistant who was the daughter of the famous dad. Danielle was the daughters name and she was extremely talented, she could hang and do artistic poses on a long dangled curtain and twirl 12+ hula hoops. Talina grew up in a family of performers, which makes sense. She invited me to be on a cruise game show with them later that night. as you can see in the photo above, i was stuck on a ship with old people, no one my age...

I stuck around for the next show, it was a performance of a lot of the crew member peforming a variety of talents. One of the funniest ones was one which involved the members standing in towels spitting at each other.

It was almost as if they were picking on one another but having fun at the same time. A lot of these members were involved in the night club and kareoke so they were familiar faces.

Senad was always the first to break the ice in kareoke. his voice in english wasnt bad, he had one of those high voices. he performed a song in his native language which had to be one of the most beautiful songs ive ever heard. the only part i could understand was something about kissing a girl softly. the crowd went wild for him.

The french cruise chef was next, he did elvis and started hitting on all the older women in the front. funny dude.

These two room cleaners busted out some old school rock. the guy on the left was having a bast, you could see it in his expression the whole time. i though it was really cool that the cruise line did this talent show type of thing. it allowed regular ship workers to jump on a nice stage and peform in front of hundreds of people.

I ran to the chocolate dinner and gave myself the best stomache ache. Nyoman accompanied me and we started talking about metal again. i guess they have a fest out there similar to warped tour, but recent terrorist attacks have prevented larger bands from joining the show. he spoke really well of bali and described it as a friendly paradise. we exchanged info, just recently added him via myspace. checked out his band, pretty deathmetal!!

Met up with Talina and her family. awkward. quickly introduced myself since i was late. the game was pretty simple, the audience was split into groups and we had to race to perform little tasks. it started off simple, i had to run into the middle of the floor and howl, another made Talina and I trade shirts, another required her to ride me like a horse, it was funny. he whole family got involved and they were great company to be around. The host began to take it up a notch by making things a!
Next thing you know shes making Talina's mom wear her husbands pants around her head. making one of the guys put on lipstick and high heals. then my night got made.

Talina's dad had to put on high heels, put on a bra, lip stick and present himself to the judge who then asked him to talk about his secret "cross-dressing/trani" side and explain why he was sexy!! ha ha haha i literally almost pissed myself. after 5 days of walking i finally got a good laugh. i was a serious team effort, talina is rolling up the dads pants to show some....legs ha ha!!
Then the music went on and I watched as full grown men danced around in womens clothing. Perfect night, Talina's family was so warm and welcoming. that nigh seriously made this trip great, i wish my family was that outgoing and fun. the whole time her mom was trying to explain that there usually not that crazy, but after seeing her with pants on her head, the dad dressed up as a chick and talina on my back, that dad sucking on the moms toes, there wasnt much to hide anymore. ha ha. I spent the rest of the night dancing aound w/ talina and random old people ha ha. i talked to the dad before we said our good byes, i though that it was so neat that he had a passion that inspired someone he knew. i asked him what it felt like, he told me it was an unreal feeling and that it was great knowing somone looked up to him. now that someone is taking care of his oldest daughter.

Talina was getting off the next day at 6am so they dipped at midnight. went back to my room and slept. I woke up so sunrise on a tv screen, missing the company i had back home. i missed her so much, its only been a week.

I was in Palma,Mollorca a small island not to far from spain. I found a internet cafe that was only 2euro per hour and got to send her a message. how sad. i was excited to write a message lol. the ship charged 1euro per minute and had shitty internet speed. i wandered around the mall and ate. pretty much spent another relaxing day with myself, i wasnt too happy about it though. watched movies on the cruise to barcelona.
Got to the airport 4 hours before my flight, I started joking around about having coke in my bag to security and my mom was set aside for searches. ha ha. not me though lol?? 30 mins before my flight my mom is still being held by security, i find her only to be informed that the airplane is having mechanical problem and that we had to wait. 2.5 hours later its fixed. sketch. its a 9hr plane ride back and i didnt feel to well about getting on a plane that just had issues. we already missed our return flight home from phili but fuck it. got to phili had a 4 hour layover to the next flight to san francisco. 6 hour flight home. got home slept. argueing along the way over how smelled?? w.e. i paid a fee and got on the first plane home. 1 hr later im back. theres nothing left for me back in my old town, my friends are distant or gone, my family never keeps in touch, my mother and i cant get along. im over it. i dont think im going to talk to her for a long time, i need my space. its much deeper than id ever write about, but its really getting in the way of things. its been 2 weeks and it still bothers me, i need to gather some clarity. i honestly loved the trip, it was very refreshing and eye opening. i just hated all the fighting and let downs. i cant wait to go back with friends one day!!
time to visit all the friends i missed and to give out presents!!! im $400 down, jet lagged as fuck, irritated, tired, and i smell. but fuck it. i made the most of everything and had a great time :]

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