Lately theres been too much on my mind, by this time next week ill be with my mom in europe. Its going to be the first time we spend "quality" time together since I was a kid. I'm anxious but nervous for some reason. i keep thinking im going to get into some stupid situation similar to the movie hostel ha ha! i cant wait to get the fuck out of here. Even though the band is going through a slow phase we got some new materal today, it was in a different direction but its neat to push yourself to adapt to new situations. I like that about music, you either have to adapt or it just doesnt fit right...kinda how life is. The semester is over and ive been making the most of it!! Went out with Jade yesterday and had "interesting" convos, yet somehow I ended up seeing a grip of old faces...what i was trying to get away from. fuck. today I went out with Miguel, Alexis, and Ashley...its wierd how one can distance themselvs from people for stupid reasons, but it goes back to normal once you hang out again. tonight was a good night. tomorrow i get to make the screens for my clothing line, a day im prety much been dreaming about. i really hope the line catches around and that it will forever keep me connected/involved in the local music scene. i dont care about the moneyit brings, its all about the lessons learned and having good company. we'll see how things go. i still have a lot to figure out, things arent quite how i want them to be and people have been real shady this week, its what ever im sure i wont keep them around much longer. fuck drug addicts. fuck insecurities. fuck egos. fuck drama from the past. be yourself. love yourself. and if people can accept you for your flaws. fuck them.

its always best to remember what simple things truely make you happy, and persue them when your frustrated to ease your mind instead of going out any partying/getting fucked up. that would be to easy. maybe by stepping back and looking at what we love and what irritates us we can sort out who/what is worth our time and if its worth persueing. At the end of the day we'll all be just fine and in the morning our eyes will open again.
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