Our new guitarist Adam had his first show this Saturday in Pomona. The place had about 45-60 heads that showed up. I fucking love how strong the pomona music scene is, its the same faces plus a few new ones every time. Adams girlfriend said that he was freaking out on the drive to the show.

I was really nervous for Adam because I was curious to weather or not he would move around a lot on stage. I was quickly surprised at the beginning of the first song that Adams head was almost hitting the floor as he was headbanging. Thank fucking GOD!!! He kept up and got down for the whole set, our 5 song set turned into a 8 song set. I would honestly play forever if I could ha ha. I was so tired....I always think musicians should go all out during a live set until their legs give out. you should feel extremely tired and sore the next day, if not....your not doing your job!!

The performance went really well and we were getting compliments on the new material!!! I released the new shirts that I worked on all morning and we sold 23 by the end of the show. Only 97 more to sell till we can hit the studio....maybe in about 1month or so.

The same faces always pop up at the shows, I've been luck that everyone is so supportive of us. Pomona house shows are more of a family reunion than a backyard show. Everyone is so friendly and open to what ever. The life of the entire show is nothing that you could pay for at a venue. its exclusive. its beautiful. its real.

Our girls always come out and support, they had a little hangout sesh which consisted of talking shit about us. better they talk amongst themselves then bitch at us ya know....ha ha jk. Adams family came down too, they wanted to snag 10 shirts......$100 closer to recording. I was a little jealous of how supportive his family was of him, my dads only been to one show in the past 6 years that ive been taking music seriously.

I do it all for them. enough said. thank you for everything :] ( new zombie head shirts made by ZAC ROANE, printed by myself)

Dance has been a little slow for the past 2 weeks, the regular faces always roll through and its still a great time. They had a "girls get in for free" night which brought in a lot of heads....

The Bunny Hut has been handling their shit in the back room, its crazy to watch them grow week by week. I swear in a few years these guys will have such a large presence in Los Angeles.

Fuckin Texas.

I went to Vegas w/Lyndsay Marie and her family and we stayed at the Flamingo Hotel.

The city was kinda dead but there was still a grip of shit to do. We walked in the rooms and I swear I was in a high end hotel. This was by far the nicest hotel I've ever been in.

Lyndsay and Lori were freaking out over the bathroom which was lit in pink and yellow lights. There was a TV in the mirror and a nice sound system. The bathroom didn't have any locks and you could totally hear when anyone was taking a terd in the bathroom.... :[

I'm still not 21 so I ended up staying in the hotel and studying for my Marketing exam, I officially finished the entire book. Lots of interesting stuff that will help out my band, clothing line, and future career. As soon as i finished studying @ 2am it started raining. I decided to head out and take pictures. I was able to capture the rain as it fell....one of my prized shots.

Within the first 5 minutes I was offered coke by some random sketch guy ha ha. I kept wandering around and was completely in love with the Eiffel tower in the middle of the strip. I had to keep jumping under small trees to make sure the rain didnt hit the camera.

Around 3am I met up with lyndsay at this club in Caesars Palace, they were pretty ....friendly. Of course Lori had mad game like always and lyndsay did her regular thing of getting free drinks from a grip of random dudes. We met up with her family at this little place called Peppermill which had some bomb food. We got into the hotel lobby and some decent looking black woman went up to Brad and asked him if he wanted her to go back upstairs with him. my first reaction was that he had game, I though how strait forward. my dumb ass would of though she was just a friendly person and I would of said "yea sure". He said no thank you, and we went up....it then hit me she was a prostitute!!!!!

We didnt end up sleeping since her uncle and cousin snored super, super loud. it was 7am and I decided I wasnt going to hold my fart in anymore. I let it loose a 5 second long bomb and was matched by Uncle Brad. He got up like nothing happened and was like "lets gamble" ha ha I couldn't stop laughing. He thought we were on drugs since I didn't sleep and I kept laughing at the face that he farted the instant I let one out. This is what we look like at 9am...no sleep

I got home to my dogs. the one on the left is Amorette, look up the name. its who she is. The one on the right is Tank, he's a complete fat ass. I swear there's a little part in all of us that is crazy, that part that makes you talk to babies in stupid voices and talk to dogs like there humans