This was the first live show I was doing photography, the glass house has a policy that photographers cant use flash so I struggled with getting pictures that I was happy with.

The place was packed with kids, I was so happy to see that the metal scene was still alive and kick back. Its because of everyone that goes to shows that I love doing what I do!!

These guys were pretty cool, they saw my band Skies of Ruin at spring breakdown fest and we ended up looking at all their tattoos. This on was my favorite, I was trying to think about what a girl would think when she was about to "get down" and would see sponge bob pointing at his balls!!

My old friend Ron was there with his whole crew, I randomly see them all at local pomona house shows!! I met this guy when I ran the Granada in ontario back in the day, he was completely blasted!! last i remember he only had huge plugs and was punching out a full grown man at a show for making a goat noise at him....funny guy!!

my friend Damien was here too, he was part of an old Mur-town music scene. I somehow always run into this guy once a year ha ha.

The bass player for mychildren mybride was fucking insane. His stage presence was perfect, i mean fucking perfect. This guy would scream at the crowd and would constantly be moving, interacting, making faces. I rarely come across other musicians that express how much they love what their doing while performing, ruely inspring! I beleive that stage presence it what makes a show great, kids could listen to the music in their car.....its the intimacy of the band sweating from headbanging over the crowd and the fans going crazy over it...thats rock and roll. props to this guy.

My two good friends Chad and Dylan rolled through and were literally in the pit the whole 6 hrs we were there ha ha!! One should always surround themselves with great company!

This is my good friend Mikey Powel, the lead singer of Conducting from the Grave. its because of this dud I got to hit up the SS show. This was his first day back from being on tour with Suicide Silence and it was seriously great seeing my old "drinking" buddy.

The Suicide Silence after party was thrown at my friend Erics house in Norco, and a grip of people showed up. 3+ kegs and hard liqour!! we set up a little photobooth spot and kicked it!

Its seriously great having a business that my best friends can be involved in, the clothing line is nothing now and so far only 8 shirts have been purchased in the past month but i've never been happier. This clothing line is one of the best decisions i've ever made, and fuck it was hard just to get to this point.

Halloween came around and once again my friend Chelsea did her once a year visit. She is pregnant now which is fucking crazy, its a good thing though. She had a meth problem and this is her ticket out if she stays on top of shit!! I love her and she's like a sister to me.

Dylan was a roman and matt was ashton kutcher or something like that ha ha, dylan like to bring his own drinks. we set up a little photobooth spot to support the Bunny Hut party/ Hypno clothing. Other clothing lines are competition but I think its beneficial to exchange info and befriend some competition ha ha! Bibs is dope too!!

There was a dope crowd and everyone was really dressed up!! I have this weird addiction to costumes involving signs ha ha!

Lyndsay Marie decided to roll down from her party to come hang out for a bit, she was a tall version of Rainbow bright and a tad bit tipsy!! We then hit up my old friend Jon that usually throws some of the sickest parties at his place.

This is what i look like sober and lyndsay when she's drunk.

There's always one kid at a party or club that does light shows.

Matt= mad game.

Sign Costume!!

My Columbian friend Andy!!

There were cute girls everywhere and a fuck load of drinks, it was 3am but it didnt feel like it!!

We hit up another party with lyndsay and her cousins, it was full of awkward people and was a tad boring. not worth saying much more. dylan sums up the night above

Had another event at Dance that went pretty well, I'm doing roaming photography every week!! making tons of new friends and new stories to hear!!

The whole MV family rolled over to Moscow and it was fucking insane, the live bands were great like always and I had so much fun shooting this guy!!!

Of course he ended up taking off his shirt, like the band before him and i lost interest. got some sick pictures though so thank you random stranger. playing with exposure = art.

Izzy came by along with Evan and the night began, izzy cut up his mummy massacre design into a sick look. Its a nice way to personalize your shirt but only certain people can pull it off ya know.

I randomly ran into Mikey Baird again, if you follow this blog he's that guy i couldnt figure out how i knew him. still havent. cool guy to talk to though.

Zac roane's friens are always good company. this eye ball on the hands thing kinda inspired one of the next shirt designs to come out. Moscow was very worth while, I encourage everyone to go to it at least once. Its where I spent my hollywood nights through out high school and even now. theres a reason for it, figure it out :]

I went out to support Beta Upsilon Delta's Omicron class installs over at a hotel in fullerton. It made me miss the whole frat life but I know I made the right decision to focus on school, music, and the line. it just sucked.

Hit up their after party that was poppin!! they had a little "challenge" to their new members and everyone except alex ended up puking. it was fucking cool watching everyone, it was like a big family.

The awesome Jason Vo was there having a good time. he was one of my favorite amigos from Bud, makes me wish i would of pledged last semester ha ha!

I made him a hack e sack back in the day ha ha, good times!!